Why is it that it's not until AFTER MARRIAGE that so many come to the conclusion that their spouse isn't "the one" for them. Yet, leading up to the marriage you were FULLY PERSUADED that THIS WAS GOD and would fight anybody who tried to convince you otherwise tooth and nail. But now when trouble rises, all your FIGHT walks out the door, and you are ACCEPTING of defeat. Sometimes it's most necessary in marriage to go back and remind yourself of what YOU KNEW when you got married. Besides, if you were so off the mark hearing God THEN, to get married, who's to say you aren't off the mark when you say you're hearing God NOW, to abandon the marriage? Sometimes we abandon exactly what God has for us because we don't like what he's showing us in the marriage about our own defects and flaws. We want to run somewhere else where we can get a prettier picture painted, even if it's not real. Contrary to popular belief, there is nothing biblically implied or stated that the predominant purpose of marriage is YOUR HAPPINESS. When you mistake the purpose of a thing and try to get something from it for which it is not intended, you believe the thing itself is flawed. Imagine using a book as a hammer. When the book won't drive the nails into the wall you can become frustrated with the book and toss it away. But that's not the purpose of a book! Use it for its intended purpose and the joy of books will exceed your expectation. Marriage is meant to reflect the mystery of Christ's relationship with the church. That includes challenges, hardships, difficulties and yes, joy. Particularly, the joy of knowing that NO MATTER WHAT, he will not break his covenant with us. He is FOREVER COMMITTED to us. I would advise then all my singles who are desirous of marriage: Pray that your foresight is better than your hindsight. Hindsight only serves to recognize the relevance of what has already transpired, while foresight will allow you to see what potentially lies ahead.
Updated: Aug 19, 2020